Taking place every two years, Seni is "the most informative, interactive, educational and inspirational expo on the planet with six exciting zones to truly offer something for everyone -
from MMA to Traditional arts, from Olympic Sports to Health and Fitness and from Self-Defence to musical forms and tricks across a thrill-packed weekend."
- from the SENI website

A group of Dragons went down on the Sunday to check it out
Here are some of the pics they brought back

Tom takes the Fitness test

Coming second to an 11-year-old?
But impressive enough to impress the Marines!

Tom tries a UFC belt for size

Callum, Tom and Matty with
World's Strongest Man competitor Mark Felix

Callum, Terry and Tom with Royce Gracie

Callum with a fighter from Strikeforce

Callum with Dan Henderson

So, Roy - was it a good day....?

Matty says YES!
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