UFBDA Senior Instructor Pete Cook

Professional Martial Arts Instructor
UFBDA & WUMA President, Australia

DOB 1961
HEIGHT 5' 8"
STYLE Tae Kwon - Do, Hop Kuin Do, Self Defence
and Korean Kickboxing.
GRADE 5th Dan Black Belt Hop Kuin Do and Korean Kickboxing
4th Degree Black Belt TKD
FAVOURITE MARTIAL ARTIST/S Boxing: Muhammad Ali, Marvin Haggler & Ricky Hatton
Martial Arts: Bruce Lee
FAVOURITE TECHNIQUE/S Back fist / Jump Back kick / Hook kick /Axe kick
INTERESTS Martial arts and building motorcycles
LIKES Genuine true people who work hard to achieve their goals
DISLIKES People who need to be on a pedestal for their own glory,
people who B/S
ACHIEVEMENTS Nov 2008 BBI World champs 1st team Kata
1st light continuous
April 2008 WUMA European champion
+ Grand Champion Korean Patterns
European team Champion
Malympex World Champs x 2, April 2008
WUMA European Light Continuous Champ, November 2005
WUMA World Champion Sicily November 2000.
WUMA Hall of fame 2000 and 2003
Plus 50 national and international titles
Over 80 1st 2nd 3rd places at tournaments including WUMA, EMA, FSK,TAGB.

To be successful in the growth of the UFBDA and to help students become the best they can be, to help someone become a world champion, and to improve students' chances on staying safe.

Lastly, to promote freestyle as one of the best all-round studies of the martial arts system.